Second Hand September

Taking part in Second Hand September is a powerful way of recycling and buying stylish outfits that don't cost the earth.

By shopping second hand and more sustainably, you're giving clothes a longer life, slowing down fast fashion, and helping to protect our planet.

Why Second Hand September?

Millions of items of clothing end up in landfills across Ireland every year. These textiles are decomposing in the ground, destroying our environment.

Immense pressure is being placed on our planet and people in communities most affected by the climate crisis, but you can take action!

Join us this September and dress for the world you want- a fairer world for those affected by the climate crisis, and a better world for us all.

Let's fight the climate crisis in style! 

The right thing for you and the planet

We have 48 shops across the island of Ireland.

We are always on the lookout for high-quality, pre-loved clothes, accessories, handbags and shoes. If your items are clean and reusable, we'd be delighted to recirculate them and contribute to a more circular economy.

Oxfam Ireland is a member of Charity Retail Ireland so our shops contributed to the 17,300 tonnes of textiles diverted away from landfill or waste to energy in 2022.

Get Ready for Second Hand September

Once you've donated, look around our shops. If you thought nothing could feel better than a new outfit, how about knowing that by shopping with us you have;

  • Freshened up your wardrobe
  • Helped protect our planet
  • Supported people to beat poverty worldwide.


Get ready for #SecondHandSeptember by clearing out your wardrobe.


Bag up your pre-loved items and drop them to your local Oxfam.


While you're there, browse the rails and bag a bargain from our pre-loved gems.


Use #SecondHandSeptember and tag us @oxfamireland.

10 Facts about the fashion industry

1. Pollution Source: The fashion industry is a major polluter due to fast fashion's high production volume.  

2. Textile Pollution: The textile sector contributes 10% to global pollution, with fashion alone responsible for 20% of global wastewater.

3. Water Intensive: It would take 13 years to drink the water needed to make one t-shirt and a pair of jeans.    

4. Fast Fashion Trend: The surge in textile production and the decline in clothing prices have fueled the 'fast fashion' phenomenon, leading to rampant overconsumption.  

5. Consequences of Overconsumption: Clothes are produced cheaply, which often means low wages and poor working conditions for garment workers. A Bangladeshi worker would need to be paid 4.5 times more than the current minimum wage to afford a decent living standard and almost nine times more to support a family.  

6. Textile Recycling Deficit: Less than 1% of global textiles are recycled, according to the Government of Ireland Waste Action Plan. Around 63,000 tonnes of textiles are discarded annually, further straining waste management systems.

7. Ecological and Societal Impact: This cycle not only harms the environment but disproportionately affects vulnerable communities, perpetuating inequality. Impoverished regions bear the brunt of climate change despite contributing the least to its causes.

8. Sustainable Solution: Prolonging the active use of clothing by just nine months could lead to a 20-30% reduction in carbon emissions, water usage, and waste generation, as highlighted by the Waste and Resources Action Programme in the UK WRAP.

9. Oxfam's Positive Role: Engaging with Oxfam shops not only generates vital support for marginalised communities and combats inequality but also aids environmental protection.

10. Long Decomposition Time: Remarkably, clothing takes up to 200 years to decompose fully, underscoring the need to embrace sustainable choices such as second-hand clothing, particularly this September.

"Throughout the wedding planning process, I was keen to make it as sustainable as possible. I loved the experience of Oxfam Bridal and was really proud to tell everyone where the dress was from." - Holly Furlong - Oxfam Bridal customer

Spread the word


Share your secondhand finds on social media and join an incredible community of pre-loved devotees!

Take part in Second Hand September

Now that you have the facts, we've got all the second-hand shopping tips and inspiration you'll need to start your journey towards shopping more sustainably.

Declutter, Donate, Shop,


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